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Trust your eyes with VISUALIZE

The discovery of perception and the development of critical thinking skills

The Visualize Project addresses the development of tolerance and soft skills among young people, in Europe, who are developmentally, physically, geopolitically and financially challenged.

With Visual Thinking Strategies, we employ an educational tool that incorporates images as the starting point to foster discussions about art among young people. By asking only a few open-ended questions, the teenagers are invited to speak freely, engage actively and participate in conflict resolution. At the same time this innovative method inspires, language, critical thinking, listening and social skills.

While making discoveries, exchanging ideas, feelings and information, most young people realize what arises for each of them is based on their individual context. As a result, we recognize there is more than one way to look at a piece of art and consequently more than one way to look at any given situation in life.

Visual Thinking Strategies helps to cross borders, boundaries, languages, physical abilities, intellect and other difficulties that inhibit learning and advancement, which are critical for the 21st century.

Проектот Визуелизирање: Иновативен концепт за тренинг за зајакнување на толеранцијата и меките вештини на младите луѓе, особено е насочен кон овие вештини, со цел оспособување на младите со толерантност и меки вештини преку гледање на уметноста и одговарање на коментарите.

Овој проект е финансиран со поддршка на Европската Комисија. Оваа публикација ги одразува само ставовите на авторот, и Комисијата неможе да биде одговорна за било каква употреба на информациите кои се содржани во неа.

Нашите партнери

  • Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands gemeinnütziger e.V.
  • Institut für Visuelle Bildung
  • Center for Development and Education
  • Best Cybernetics
  • Fundacion Intras

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