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VISUALIZE and Conflict Resolution

In order to live an interesting and fulfilled life we have to be capable of conflict. The art of conflict management can be key to personal and professional growth.

During the VISUALIZE project we used Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) to practice critical thinking skills by observing images closely. We used a set of questions to to make sure that our thinking was connected to what we actually saw in front of us.

Assuming that we can freeze any life situation into a picture - like a photograph - we can use VTS to improve our conflict resolution skills. This approach prevents us from getting lost in emotional thoughts. It helps us to focus on the cause of the conflict.

The questions “What was going in the situation (picture)?” and “What did I see (hear) that led me to my view point?” is a good start to deal with any conflict. It is as important to bring good evidence for your point of view as to listen to the evidence of the opposing party. Many conflicts are based on missunderstandings. Whether there is friction in the work or a family dispute or friends disagree with us, the clearer we can express ourselves, the greater the chance of a good end to the conflict.

Проектот Визуелизирање: Иновативен концепт за тренинг за зајакнување на толеранцијата и меките вештини на младите луѓе, особено е насочен кон овие вештини, со цел оспособување на младите со толерантност и меки вештини преку гледање на уметноста и одговарање на коментарите.

Овој проект е финансиран со поддршка на Европската Комисија. Оваа публикација ги одразува само ставовите на авторот, и Комисијата неможе да биде одговорна за било каква употреба на информациите кои се содржани во неа.

Нашите партнери

  • Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands gemeinnütziger e.V.
  • Institut für Visuelle Bildung
  • Center for Development and Education
  • Best Cybernetics
  • Fundacion Intras

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