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What kind of skills YOU(TH) need ?!

All young people need a set of academic or technical skills, soft skills and attributes that will prepare them for both employment and life in general. Education give young people the knowledge they need about different subjects, but it does not necessarily equip youth with essential life skills. If you want to succeed at all aspects of your life whether it’s school, university or work, you should know that there many different types of skills that can help you to be confident and independent in life. Finding a job became a greater challenge for young people, they must determine what careers are available what their interest are, and what skills they have or need to develop. Skills can fall into various categories and can transfer from one job to another. Despite job-specific skills that an employer is looking for, most employers will also want you to have some general skills, called "soft skills ". Having softskills can help you get a job because there highly valued and appreciated by employers. There some soft skills which are useful and necessary in your day-to-day life and also for your job. Some common skills include the following self-confidence, communication, team work, learning, organization/planning skills, decision-making skills, problem solving, self management, critical thinking, etc.

Almost any skill can be learned or improved, but you should know that It might take determination and practice. Young people can learn or improve their soft skills through non-formal education which empower young people in their personal development.

One of the methods who can help you to strengthen their personal skills is Visual Thinking Strategy. Easy to try and you can achieve positive results for short time. You can well-develop sense of self-confidence and self-esteem, communicate effectively that contributes to productive and harmonious relations, improve skills as listening, understanding; be a team worker through respect other people’s opinion, working across different ages, irrespective of gender, race, religion or political persuasion; developing creative solutions and strengthen your critical thinking skills. These soft skills are seen as a key element for successful job performance, and young people are aware for the need to develop these skills.

Проектот Визуелизирање: Иновативен концепт за тренинг за зајакнување на толеранцијата и меките вештини на младите луѓе, особено е насочен кон овие вештини, со цел оспособување на младите со толерантност и меки вештини преку гледање на уметноста и одговарање на коментарите.

Овој проект е финансиран со поддршка на Европската Комисија. Оваа публикација ги одразува само ставовите на авторот, и Комисијата неможе да биде одговорна за било каква употреба на информациите кои се содржани во неа.

Нашите партнери

  • Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands gemeinnütziger e.V.
  • Institut für Visuelle Bildung
  • Center for Development and Education
  • Best Cybernetics
  • Fundacion Intras

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